Tuesday, August 23, 2022


 The Curious Case of Excess 

We live in a world filled with deviations from the standards. There are, however, outlier events within those moments. They catch us by surprise and hurtle us, into confusion, data gathering, conjecture, estimation and ultimately over time, onto the true face of reality. 

What are these moments? And how are they created? We name our daily occurrences as standards that are based on past events and the averages of deviations occurring, representing the bounds of the two-standard-deviations above and below the mean. In other words, if the norm in life is a straight or curvy line, then standard deviation from that line is calculated based on previous average excursions across the line. Based on the Central Theorem those deviations occur 95% of the time. Larger deviation values, or outliers, from the mean indicate a larger excursion from that known central mean (average) and vice versa. Example: The average IQ in the USA is 98. A score of 132 is considered a “high IQ.” The two-standard-deviations rule here would imply that about 5 percent of the population will have IQ scores more than 30 points away from 100. The 95% of the population will have an IQ within the two-standard deviations around the 98-100 Mean.

1.     https://www.healthline.com/health/average-iq#average-iq 

 The curiosity is stirred when those expected norms are broken. In Wall Street terms if a manager of a Money Fund averages 30% higher than all others combined then he/she has exceptional trading/investing capability. Unfortunately for the manager, these deviations in wealth creation are also a direct function of luck, timing and knowing the information-asymmetry within (the Congress has a great little secret of “Insider Trading” where the change in future policy can be exploited monetarily for self-advantage or asymmetrical information).


 Excess it seems is the product of both hubris and desire. As the “COVID viral Cases,” increased, it was perplexing to see that the PCR tests had been used frivolously with thermal cycle thresholds at 40-45, picking up non-infectious coronaviruses’ fragments in the blood streams of previously infected individuals. The true cycle threshold for a reasonable answer was calculated at 26-28. That led to large false positive tests and increased the “numbers of infected individuals.” A scenario begging to be brought under control ‘by any means.’

The Graph below is the PCR data collection and results.


And looking look at the “COVID Deaths” in the past two years of the Pandemic, the review opens more cacophony of noise. The world data and that from individual countries gives us some moments of reflection. Were all deaths COVID related? Unfortunately, any posed questions, immediately pushed one into a category-defying box, where impartial and forced partial reality coexist to create a nebula of “misinformation.” The power of such a half-opaque, half-baked imposed vision dethrones the mental arches of support and throws the witness into self-delusions. Such conflicted and contradictory information creates wakeful nightmares for most individuals.

1.     https://ourworldindata.org/search?q=COVID+Deaths

 The data, as deaths are euphemistically called, suggest various causal inferences. Back in October of 2020 the pundits were adamant that everything was properly boxed and accounted for until, this stunning admission from CDC started the alarm bells ringing, and they have been ringing since March 2022 and getting louder by the day.

1.     https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/24/cdc-coding-error-overcount-covid-deaths

 This discomposition of reality contributed to a dark cloud of fear, the population of the world had never felt before. The imposed fear rendered people into a defenseless, self-preservation mode at any cost. Not only a small counting /coding error revealed the 72,000 overcount, it also revealed the willful blindness of categorizing every event during the pandemic as a COVID related death. The cost of safety bore the cost of life. Motor Vehicle Accident-related deaths, Murders and other criminal or other related deaths were reported as COVID deaths. Which brings us to the issue of how many of the deaths other than the overcounting error were unrelated to the virus? 

The answer should be of little surprise to critical thinkers:

1.     https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201117133908.htm

 When the Pandemic started there were many deaths from the virus itself. That were reflected in the CDC website and in other world data metrics. Those deaths (exaggerated or real) were clustered around the first six to nine months after the pandemic started. As referenced previously, the virus-related deaths were ballooned by agencies, however, most of the deaths were in the 75+ year old population. Outside of that cohort the risk was low except with comorbid conditions like, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, cancer etc.

The clustered deaths occurred in the Extended Care Facilities (Nursing Homes). Some of those deaths were attributable to flawed policies of the Chief Executives of the various Northeastern and midwestern states, by placing pandemic related convalescing patients and housing them in these elder facilities thus exposing the staff and the vulnerable elderly. One of the States recently settled a lawsuit for $16 Million, without admitting to wrongdoing: https://www.nj.com/politics/2022/08/state-to-pay-out-nearly-16m-to-families-over-covid-deaths-in-nj-veterans-homes-admits-no-wrongdoing.html

Nursing Home Deaths:

1.     https://apnews.com/article/new-york-nursing-home-coronavirus-deaths-a6c214f4467976efdfca9ba75f8adaef

2.     https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/nursing-home-83-residents-died-covid-still-business-new-name-rcna6189

3.     https://www.abc27.com/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-pennsylvania/did-state-policies-contribute-to-covid-deaths-in-nursing-homes-pa-senate-grieving-families-want-to-know/

 Given the raging “infected cases” and the “estimated” death totals, the Policy makers decided Lockdowns, Social Distancing, Work from home, Remote home schooling, restriction of travel, and other such mandates were needed to contain the contagion. In doing so, the recent history has not been kind to those policies or the policy makers. As one of them (Dr. Birx) has recently admitted: https://youtu.be/dXzHBUuo62U

Keeping children from socializing with other children has led to learning losses. An excess of mental health problems, including, depression, anxiety, drug abuse and a very high incidence of suicides were noted. 

School Closures:

1.     https://blogs.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/covid-19-school-closures-fueled-big-learning-losses-especially-disadvantaged

2.     https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2021-08-24-how-adolescents-used-drugs-during-the-covid-19-pandemic.aspx

3.     https://www.choc.org/news/more-young-children-are-killing-themselves-the-covid-19-pandemic-is-making-the-problem-worse/

 The workers with limited means and not in the paper-pushing realm of work as in finance etc. stayed home and through despondency also sought relief from alcohol and drugs adding to the burgeoning numbers of deaths both self-inflicted and other.  


Fentanyl Deaths in Minnesota (Health Department)

Lock Downs:

1.     https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7293850/

2.     https://www.healthline.com/health-news/yes-lockdowns-do-help-slow-the-spread-of-covid-19

3.     https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.549692/full

 As companies realized the loss of retail sales from stay-at-home consumers, jobs were cut, and workers laid off. Small business shuttered and more unhealth was created. The ball kept rolling. Some large online business models thrived, while the brick and mortar retail business shuttered their doors. Meanwhile excess liquidity (FED printed money) stormed the Streets and the resultant Inflationary Consumer Price Index (CPI) spiraled upwards in dramatic fashion and the Consumer bore the burden and still does!

 Small Business Shutdowns:

1.     https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2006991117

 Stay-at-home without social contact both for the children and adults caused an epidemic of obesity which gave a larger venue to the virus to exploit and harm.  A 3% increase in Obesity over the past 2 years is a public health debacle. Yet no one took responsibility for their scientifically unbalanced policies!


Besides, the effects of the virus on the human host, there was also the chronic sustained inflammation from the stored fat that created a nidus for malignancy or exploited an incipient malignant clone to reveal itself in a more advanced state of cancer. Given the lockdowns and the fear invoked by the Policy-Makers and their willing accomplices in the Mainstream Media people feared to go outdoors, even to check on their own health and well-being. 

I wrote about that in March 2021 about the impending doom for so many, yet few thought the need to address it, was an urgency.

1.     https://jedismedicine.blogspot.com/2022/08/non-covid-death-epidemic-of-future.html?spref=tw

 Obesity Epidemic:

1.     https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/29/1041515129/obesity-rates-rise-during-pandemic-fueled-by-stress-job-loss-sedentary-lifestyle

 Interestingly the excess deaths seemed to slow down to the norm for a period in 2020 and then re-emerged with a vengeance. Sudden Death Syndrome reported infrequently in the media, especially pertaining to the athletes and the youth could after a while not be ignored. A rash of “Myocarditis,” “Heart Attacks,” and “Strokes,” were occurring, but political distractions seem to overwhelm this information. The adolescents and athletes with sudden incapacitation and death were of consequence and they were being filmed as they collapsed to the ground never to wake up again!



Sudden Deaths in Adolescents:

1.     https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056583

2.     https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/148/3/e2021052478/179728/Symptomatic-Acute-Myocarditis-in-7-Adolescents

3.     https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34849667/

4.     https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1052305722001318

5.     https://www.uclahealth.org/u-magazine/a-step-toward-understanding-why-covid-19-boosts-stroke-risk


However, the CDC on its website continues to suggest only the following side effects:

1.     https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect/after.html?s_cid=10509:side%20effects%20of%20the%20covid%20vaccine:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21

 Soon Neurological deficits and other Immune related illness started to appear at an alarming rate and the chronicity of such illness was manifest over several months. The doctors, ill-equipped to see the forest for the trees, diagnosed the local effects of the unrealized cause and failed to address the cause itself, diagnosing, a heart attack, a stroke, a pneumonia, a cancer and so on became the implied norm. But what was the overarching causality for these diverse group of diagnoses. No one could or would say and they still cannot for fear of their livelihoods.

Neurological Effects:

1.     https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34957554/

2.     https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8979721/

3.     https://www.heraldguide.com/featured/man-dies-after-developing-autoimmune-disease-from-vaccine/

4.     https://www.authorea.com/users/455597/articles/582067-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-in-the-pathogenesis-of-prion-like-diseases

 Having witnessed a rapid acceleration of a biologically slow growing malignancy, a chronic immune phenomenon in the gastrointestinal tract, a normal 40 weeks of survival shortened to a 3-months and a single event as rapid as 6 weeks from a newly diagnosed malignancy, in friends and family gives me pause. Now these deaths, in all possibility, remain anecdotal at best but other physicians have witnessed some of the same. What to make of this new plethora of hidden in plain sight information? If causal factors are known, then suggestions for Prevention can be offered. What to do, currently remains curtained at best?

 Causally one can point to the effects of the virus, but the acceleration of malignancies occurred in the recent past 12 months and were not noticed in the early phases of the pandemic. Several papers refute the potential immune weakness as a causal reason for the accelerated malignancies through statistical reasoning. To be certain that overall cancer deaths decreased between 2020 and 2021 from potentially lower surveillance due to the pandemic and people not seeking help from their physicians, the future statistics should help put that in perspective. Perhaps the acceleration of cancer, observed is the delayed effect of the virus? Or perhaps it is something else? Or perhaps we have willful blindness in critical thinking. It is hard to tell.

 There are several pieces of data that need to be considered before any judgment can be passed on these events. Time is of the essence, and eventually it will tell the tale…

 Immune Dysregulation: 


1.     https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-021-00656-2

2.     https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab1024/6459155

3.     https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imm.13443

4.    https://journals.lww.com/ccejournal/fulltext/2021/11000/multisystem_inflammation_and_organ_dysfunction.10.aspx

 In no small wonder the Director, of the same storied agency called affectionately as the CDC, has just expressed her apology and accepted responsibility for its myriads of erroneous policies. The CDC Director promises to do better in the future. 

1.     https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/us/politics/cdc-rochelle-walensky-covid.html

 And that leads us to the many harms cited above. Is the apology also an admission of the millions harmed, financially, physically, and emotionally from the said mistakes? If so, there is a stream of a thick red fluid flowing a river, everywhere. And the blame thirsty finger points rigidly at the source of such unallocated all-encompassing power itself.

 How many have suffered, how many have been left to despair and how many have lost a loved one, and how many have lost their lives, is a story that will certainly well up all sorts of emotions! The story we tell ourselves, given the willful excess blindness to change the fundamental force of a momentum initiated elsewhere, will be life-changing for all of humanity. How we conquer this hill and plant our flag of reason and understanding over such an excessive travesty, will show our true character and resilience as a species. 

Was the COVID pandemic related “HARM” a multi-Sigma-outlier from the two-standard-deviation? Were the policy excesses promulgated by the experts, that consumed the populace with fear and subsumed critical thinking the real underlying cause? 


Or was it all unavoidable?


Time will tell!

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