Sunday, August 20, 2017


“My name’s Blurryface and I care what you think”

The tide has turned. Nostalgia comes in waves, crashing on the shores of comfort. Life is different, subtle distinctions arrive at the doorstep every day. Art seems to find itself at the forefront of all that is human endeavor. Society is at a crossroads once again.

What happens from here on is a matter of how we as humans ascribe ourselves the kernel of dignity. Should we crawl or take a step and stand firm? Should we pine about what we want and not plan for what we need? Should we live in the sea of nostalgia crashing and dashing all hope of individuality? Should we go back into the comfort of our caves or should we hunt and gather?Where should we go?

The lyrics above give us a clue of our lives as they are today. Everyone wants to be heard because everyone feels that everyone is being heard. Everyone wants to be successful, because everyone thinks that everyone else is successful. But the lone difference in their thinking of replicating the success is one of being handed over that success. A few hit it and gloat to the excess, others continue on a journey besieged with doubt, insecurity and wanting to be back in the comfort of their mother’s womb. Precious little time is spent articulating the measure that will drive their desire forward. More time is spent complaining about the inequalities than about the effort. More is spent on wayward dreams that have no end than on the reality that sits idly in front, staring. There is less and less to pursue and more and more to march towards laziness, which has given way to a mentally tired brain that seeks the pleasure of the oxytocin, merely by an injection than by hard work and solution creating.

Life now hovers on the next “like” or the next “tweet.” How many likes did one get? And if only a few arrive on the screen, a despondency grows. Depression sets in and people get stressed out. And stress has a way of coming in many forms; displaced anger, a quiet involution into one’s own thoughts, sleeplessness and aloofness.

Yes, once upon a time we dreamed big and worked towards the dream. Today we dream big houses, yachts and jets without picking the dirty clothes off the floor.

In the end success and a better future is not in a nostalgic wave but in the hard work - dedication to a cause and striving towards a goal that matters. It is not about feeling “micro-aggressed” and needing a “space” that matters, it is about satisfaction from dedication and effort. These “wants” and “cries of inequality” are but the childish demands of juveniles that some experts promote to satisfy their own tenured consultancies.

Get out of the rut.
Make a name for yourself through hard work.
Stop “feeling” and start “doing,” for a change.
Wishing won't make it happen.
Stop “caring what others think!” Follow your dream and live it!

Or it will pass you by, filled with regrets and unfulfilled dreams.

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