I remember a 74 year old man who had brought his 6 year old
grandson with him for a visit. I noticed that the grandfather was toying with a
pencil, twirling it between his fingers of his left hand from the index to the
ring finger and back, all in involuntary, unrehearsed and completely
disembodied synchrony. On his right sat his little grandson many years younger
and many inches shorter who was also involved playing with the Twizzler,
wrapping it around his fingers and un-wrapping it between the different fingers
of his right hand and occasionally taking a small bite from it. From a
distance, it would seem the two actions were disconnected. But the more I
looked, the more it became apparent to me that the adoption by the grandson was
the unspoken paradigm of his grandfather’s behavior. There was the missing link however, the father
of the grandson and the son of the grandfather, who had to be accounted for if this
behavior in some way matched the other two and represented a transferred meme. So I asked if he would be joining
us. No, the grandson proffered, dad was a very busy man and at work most waking
hours of the day.
What was the connection between these two people separated
by the gulf of at least two if not three generations? Was this mimicry by the
little one of the actions of the bigger one?
The question lends itself to life in general. Families seem
to adopt similar behaviors. This form of mimicry is cast through invisible
paths of learning.
Do as I do and not as I say is the real world
behavioral edifice of standing on the shoulders of giants.
What is most interesting in all this is the slight twist in
the learned process, to suit the individual’s need. Wrapping a Twizzler around
sequentially around the fingers on the same hand without help from the other
hand to me seems an evolving meme of dexterity. It was a mutation of the meme,
so to speak. An evolving concept tied loosely to the original.
Today, life is a constantly evolving metaphor.
Memes rise and fall at breakneck speeds or even at
snail-paced speed in a bit by bit progression. The internet has cast aspersions
on the slow meme evolution. However, by itself the internet also cannot hold the evolving
meme in the consciousness for long, because of newly minted and competing memes.
The slowly evolving ones are more gradual and have a larger impact on society
as a whole, while the fast and furious ones die a quick death, the spark, the flame and then embers.
Marketing and Promotions of new products lend themselves to
the internet for initial success, but the value propositions contained within
the product lend themselves to the sustained promotion. Upon that proposition, the
mutating memes of the desires of the populace, the shape and form evolves into
progressively differing concepts. A case in point is the success of Apple. The
lack of success of the Newton Pad many years before the iPad shows how the
consumers never took hold of the Newton concept with the same fervor they took
to the iPad concept. In the former advertising was mostly via the print and occasionally
the television, our thinking had not digitally evolved as yet, but the iPad
glory came into being in full force with the age of rapid dissemination of
information through the internet. Once taken hold, the value of the iPad product
sustained its appeal, while Apple continue to innovate for the next meme. An adjunct to Apple's story is the not so gloried life cycle of Microsoft, bent on revitalizing the Windows architecture in billions of lines of code and forgetting to change the meme in a see now, do now world inhabited with the ADD disposition.
In Medicine, and you know I was going to go there, there are
many memes with good reasoned logic that fail and equally many flawed ones that
take hold. During the Galen era, blood-letting was a treatment du jour for
almost any ailment, to the point that it may have caused the ultimate death of
George Washington, the first President of United States who seemed disposed to a bad case of pneumonia. But in those times,
where diagnosis was non-existent due to the lack of common understanding of
physiology and reasonable treatment availability, anyone could profess to do the
job. The presence of the barber pole is a reminder of the red stripes
indicating blood and the pole as the staff to use for a puncture wound and thus
the pole was the calling card of the “surgeon.”
Sometime the meme takes on a different mode. A child’s
interest in a particular field becomes the enduring journey towards discovery.
In that meme there is the constant tug of war between the thought and the
environs. Take for instance Andrew Weils,

a British mathematician who spent his life tackling Fermat’s Last Theorem for many decades until he found the proof. And in similar fashion “Tom” Jhang

who recently solved the “Two Prime Conjecture,” both of these individuals worked hard at their memes with a constantly evolving thought to come to an understanding that has wowed the world.
a British mathematician who spent his life tackling Fermat’s Last Theorem for many decades until he found the proof. And in similar fashion “Tom” Jhang
who recently solved the “Two Prime Conjecture,” both of these individuals worked hard at their memes with a constantly evolving thought to come to an understanding that has wowed the world.
The question then arises can a meme be instilled in a brain?
Given the discussion above, if the idea is perceived by a
fertile mind and the desire to explore it further is initiated, why then the
answer is an unqualified “Yes!” With exponential growth of the billions of neurons establishing trillions of synapses, the capacity to absorb dwarfs the adult capabilities. (sorry dads & grandads)

So, my plea to the mothers and fathers and the grandparents,
teach the youth to strive for excellence and shun mediocrity. Install the meme
and let them run with it!
Today the rage is Social Media. Everyone and anyone is
talking about it. The conversation goes that medical and non-medical people
must be in a state of constant communication to advance the cause of
healthcare. Is that the right path? Communication is good for learning and
teaching but not an employment as the fix-it scheme for any and all ailments.
The differing degrees of our genetic pools make us a ocean rather than a thimble-full of
water. The differences are both absolute and relative. Hence a similar meme
cannot serve the needs of the many. The idea of e-Pluribus Unum comes to mind. Engage bu only to learn and educate.
Having said that, there is a place for Social Media, where
it can and does provide some amazing benefits to people with breast cancer as
in #BCSM and the #HCSM for Health Care Social Media and #HCLDR for Health Care personnel
in a Leadership role. These and other Twitter based hash-tags serve a distinct
and unifying purpose in teaching and learning for all. Through these sites,
memes are generated by individuals and espoused if valid by most, which then
modify and let evolve the original premise. Expressing thoughts and concerns by
some and finding others that allay anxieties through rationale is a wholesome
and enduring concept. These Tweet chats
are a perpetuating and evolving meme of thought and reason.
Adopting the current vogue may be the entrenched value
for the day, but can it endure the rigors of time. The answer depends on the potentiality
of mutation of the meme and the perceived value to the people.
I met the father of the grandson a few days later and he too
had force-evolved the meme from his father, but in a different manner. He had to sign forms and after completion he flipped the pen and caught it cleanly and twirled it from index to little finger and back, ending with another flip and back in his jacket. Ahem! Almost like a punctuation mark. And I wondered what his son was capable of in the next decade with his gifted abilities?
The finite bound proof is in place.